The themes of certain anime's these days revolve around "slice of life" genres to action to the "moe" styles. In the side of the action genres of anime' two TYPE MOON anime' babes caught my fancy: Canaan and Ryogi Shiki which both taken from console games. So what is it about this babes that caught my fancy? Well they both posses "Dōjutsu" or eye technique that is relative to each other.
First we will start off with Canaan.
Canaan from the series named after her and whose name means "Promised Land" is a middle eastern mercenary and assassin, but enough details about her, if you haven't watched the series I recommend you to watch it. Anyways, now what "Dōjutsu" does this girl possess? It is called SYNESTHESIA, which in medical terms means a neurologically-based condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. Its like a reflex but it involves triggers so as to what you're other senses will do like when you see your crush you hide or something like that. What's something about this ability is that different colors represent different people depending on the emotion they have during the time Canaan sees them. In Canaan's case she possess it in her eyes giving her an ability to know who are the enemies and the civilians, who to kill and who is innocent, who is lying and who is honest. And that's that, I think with one look she'd definitely go for the kill if you're the right target, no mistakes, like an infrared vision snakes have so that they can see in the dark.
Canaan's Synesthesia:
It's Golden hued I think.
Ok let's move on with Ryogi Shiki from Kara no Kyoukai
Ok, don't be fooled by that innocent smile, Ryougi Shiki came from a series of 7 movies which was based on a game and a light novel. If you haven't watched this series too you better watch it if you are in search of a GREAT anime'. Ok back to Shiki, Shiki on the other hand is from a well respected family and was born with two personalities, a male and a female one. Now you might tell me WTH she has a male personality and will she do a Yuri act sometime, LOL, No it's because (SPOILER) when she woke up after a coma she can n o longer feel her Male personality. Now what is her "Dōjutsu", kind of a long termed one: "Mystic Eyes of Death Perception" in which she can see the lines of life of a thing, living or not. Yes that means she's the ultimate destroyer in which she can also erase the existence of a thing or material. Anyways only one cut of a sharp object to these lines she sees will surely obliterate the target. One look, slash, you're dead.
Ryougi Shiki in hunt Mode:
Her eyes are Rainbow Colored when she is in this mode.
So that's it, aside from the infamous eye techniques from the anime' Naruto, these two girls also have great eye techniques of their own, better not mess with them if you dont want to have Death upon sight! Well again if you haven't watched the series yet, watch it right now!
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